
Nice to meet you all.
My name is hiikun.
I have decided to start a blog for a reason.
What I like, what I am interested in, and what I am working on every day through this blog,
what I would like to do in the future and what I would like to recommend through my blog.

In this page, I would like to introduce myself, hiikun.
The table of contents is as follows


1. about me

I am currently a male in my 40s working in a financial call center.
I am from Osaka Prefecture.
I live alone in an apartment in Osaka City.

I am kind of introverted and has difficulty socializing with others.
After work, I go straight home or stop somewhere to complete my daily routine.

When I was young, I used to give up as soon as I found something unpleasant or troublesome.
However, after I turned 30, I changed my mind and began to engage in various activities for personal growth.

By the way, my younger sister gave me the nickname “hiikun”.
When I was a little girl, she called me “Hitoshi-kun” (my real name).
At one point, he started calling me big brother.
However, my sister realized that I was embarrassed to be called “big brother,” so she started calling me “Hi-kun” a while later.


2. about my current job

As I mentioned at the beginning, I work in a financial call center.
I started working there in April 2014 and it has been nine years.

I work at a call center of a financial institution handling inquiries from both Japanese and foreign customers.
Since the overwhelming majority of inquiries are related to money, depending on the situation, they can easily develop into complaints and are often difficult to respond to.
However, I feel extremely happy when I am able to contribute to solving a customer’s problem.

Another appeal of this job is that I can use English, one of my weapons, to support foreign customers.

I am not sure how long I will be able to work here, but while I am here, I will work hard to serve our customers with a “sense of responsibility” and an “attitude of hospitality.


3. what I am working on outside of work

After work, I don’t particularly go out for drinks or play.
For personal growth, we spend time on the following
We will provide more details on this blog when we have the opportunity in the future, but here is a brief introduction.

  • Studying English (because I need it for work)
  • Studying Spanish (to get my strengths outside of English)
  • Learning to create a blog and website (to run this blog)

There may be more things we would like to do in the future, depending on the situation, but for now, this is what we have in mind.
Learning is important at any age.

I want to keep my attitude of learning until I die.


4. what I like

I love sweet things.
I eat everything from Western sweets such as cakes, doughnuts, ice cream, and cookies to Japanese sweets such as warabimochi and daifuku.

I worked part-time at Mister Donut for five and a half years as a student.
I had various experiences in making donuts,serving customers, cleaning the store, and managing cash etc
We were allowed to eat doughnuts for free during the 10-minute break except for some items.
I still remember being shocked to find that I gained five kilograms in weight compared to when I started working when I resigned from Mister Donuts because I ate too much.

I still like donuts.
When I have time, I like to stop by donut shops such as Mister Donuts and Krispy Kreme Donuts and enjoy having a donut and coffee while I do my daily routine.


5. why I started blogging

Finally, let me tell you why I started blogging.
The first reason is that I wanted to get additional income through blog advertising.
Some may say, “I don’t care about the money. I do it for the people,” you may say.
But I don’t want to lie to myself, so I will be honest.
The primary reason is money. However, we will give you two other reasons here.

Tackling New Challenges

As for PC, I can use Word, Excel, and Powerpoint to some extent.
I have never blogged or posted on social media before.
I have absolutely no experience in creating or managing blog sites.
And, moreover, I have no knowledge of web design and programming.

I may have browsed other people’s social networking sites, but I never expressed my opinions or thoughts about them, nor did I post about myself.
For those familiar with the process, creating and posting on a blog site may not be a big deal.
But for me, this is unkown territory.
To be honest, I am afraid to take the first step.
It may sound like an exaggeration to describe blogging as a “challenge,” but I think it is a big decision for me.

However, through blog posting, I will gain various knowledge, skills, and experiences that money cannot buy. I believe that I can expect further growth by applying them to my own daily life.
I had always been a little interested in blog posting but never took the step and started anything. We only live once.
I decided to take the plunge.
I would like to take this challenge positively.

I want to be useful to someone.

I find myself approaching my mid-40s in life.
Compared to those who have succeeded in various fields, I am overwhelmingly inferior, and I sometimes wonder if I am worth it.

Still, I have lived up to now and have made efforts in my own way to gain some things.
Through this blog, I would be more than happy to share my experiences and knowledge to help improve the lives of our readers.

This is who I am, hiikun.
We will try our best to post articles that will be of some help to you.

For now, I will post articles in Japanese.
However, I will be posting articles in English and Spanish,
which I learn.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

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